Saturday, January 31, 2009

Terima Kasih

waah, sungguh tidak kusangka, blog aku yang boring ini telah bertambah 'followers'.. terima kasih ku ucapkan..



Friday, January 30, 2009

Pilot's Life

enjoy this dear loyal readers...

best kan life mcm ni, pi melancong, blk keje, anak sambut, perrgghh.. xsaba nk kahwin.. hahaha

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pernahkah anda?

Lokasi : di sebuah pusat membeli-belah terkemuka di Kelantan

Waktu : lebih kurang pukul 1730

Watak : Aku, Jemey, Meru, Kimi aka Jejaka

beginilah serba sedikit mengenai latar nya...

sedang aku bercakap-cakap dengan 2 orang lagi member aku sambil berjalan menaiki ke tingkat 4, aku terserempak dengan seorang jejaka dalam perjalanan turun ke tingkat bawah, lalu dia menyapa aku..

Jejaka : weh Paih, lamo tok jupo

Aku : haa Marwan!, lamo tok jupo, koho tinggi mung lonih deh?

*didapati muka jejaka tersebut berubah seperti lalat kepeningan....
tetapi perbualan diteruskan juga tanpa sebarang syak wasangka...

Jejaka : jolo ko koho tinggi? aku sero biaso jah. mung blaja mano lonih?

Aku : tok blaja doh, baru jah quit uitm...

Jejaka : ooo...

*jejaka tersebut juga member kepada Jemey, dan mereka juga bertegur sapa dalam keadaan yang pening...
setelah selesai, kami menaiki ke tingkat 4. lantas...

Jemey : weh, sapo takdih tuh eh? aku tok brapo ingat la

Aku : bengom baso nih, Marwan tuh, hok ore gelar ko mok dio 'aduh' maso darjah 5, tok key la mung tok ingat, dasyat mung(dengan perasaan penuh yakin)..

Jemey : aku sero buke Marwan tuh, buke ko kito ado jupo nga Marwan maso nok gi jamming dulu, dio key gemuk2 dh sikik..

*aku telah mula was-was, dan syak wasangka mula mencemburui kebenaran kata-kata Jemey...

Aku : eh, jolo la deh, kito jupo doh Marwan tahun lepah, abih tuh sapo eh takdih?

Jemey : tuh Kimi bengom!, hok tuisyen pelangi sekali nga kito maso form 2

Aku : waaaaa, saloh ore lah takdih??

*lantas perasaan malu mula menguasai diri dan menyuruh ku untuk membunuh diri, kerana diriku sangat malu untuk hidup...

moralnya, jangan la sebut nama orang tersebut jika anda tidak betul-betul mengecamnya, kerana kelak ia akan memalukan kamu. sekian...


by Bunkface

Diskriminasi menjatuhkan aku
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
Dan aku


Di situ mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
Itulah impian aku

Bila kau menghilang
Musnahlah musnah impian
Untuk menggapai bintang TERANGI HIDUPKU
Dalam ingatanku


Kerna diri ini tak daya lagi
Menempuh hidup yang kutemui
Dan aku


Di situ
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
Itulah impian aku,

Bila kau menghilang
Musnahlah musnah impian
Untuk menggapai bintang TERANGI HIDUPKU
Dalam ingatanku

lagu ini adalah lagu peberet gua sejak 2 minggu yang lalu, dan ditujukan khas buat seseorang yg bermula dengan N, hehehehhe

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Happy Chinese New Year to everybody, especially to chinese..

hope everything goes well

and together we live as one nation..


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aku Tidak Berapa Setuju

apakah tanggungjawab kita sebagai muslim untuk membela nasib masyarakat yang seagama dengan kita, yakni saudara kita yang secara kejamnya dibunuh dan diseksa di tanah palestin sana..

adakah kita dapat menolongnya?
dapatkah kita berperang untuk melindunginya?Justify Full
bilakah lagi kita mahu membuktikan dan berjihad untuk agama Allah ini?
sanggupkah kita menguji keberanian dan ketakutan kita untuk melawan pihak musuh?

aku pasti tak semua umat islam dapat menunaikan perkara diatas tuu..

jadi, kita ambil lah jihad yang paling mudah; boikotlah barangan Israel.. adakah itupun sangat susah? ye ia memang sedikit susah.. tapi sama-sama lah kita mencubanya..

kalau dah benda yang memang menjadi keperluan kita; seperti aku, aku menggunakan laptop yang mempunyai 'intel' di dalamnya, iye, ia adalah salah satu produk Israel, jadi ia memang sedikit susah..
adkah aku perlu membuangnya? membazir pulak namanya.. tak tahulah..

sama-samalah kita mencuba benda yang paling mudah, tapi yang pastinya, aku tidak memerlukan Starbucks, McD n KFC..
banyak lagi kedai-kedai standard yang laen.. Secret Recipe ke? Chicken Rice Shop ke? hehehe

ini adalah salah satu jihad aku, bagaimana dengan anda?
terpulanglah pada anda..

apa-apa pun layan laa video kat atas ni, best lagu dia..

marilah kita berdoa terhadap saudara-saudara kita di palestin sana, semoga Allah akan memakbulkan..
semoga juga, cahaya keamanan akan menjenguk...

Friday, January 23, 2009


tengah hari semalam, sedang asyik aku berguling-guling diatas katil, tiba-tiba...

ting-tong!, ting-tong!

aku pun terus bangkit dari katil dan menjenguk ke luar rumah.. ada postman laa pulak..
oitt.. ada bungkusan untuk aku, sapa yang anta ni? huish.. lepas sign surat itu, tengok betul-betul.
laa.. APFT rupanya, aku pun cepat-cepat laa bukak bungkusan itu, terdapat 4 dokumen didalamnya.. baca punya baca, surat agreement daa.. Alhamdulillah..

basic introduction

yang ni ada 2 copies, satu untuk aku dan satu lagi untuk APFT

crew residence's rules & regulations

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


once you dream to become a pilot, you must also dream of facing a big risk.
once you talk about risk, it is not only for safety risk, its a lot more than that.
once you started to apply to become a pilot, you have to make 'patient' as your best friend.
once you enrolled in flying school, you have to have spirit, dont ever let it go no matter how.
once you work, you must have all those things that i've mentioned above.

but then, its all up to Him. but we as His slave, just keep striving and praying.

keep them flying..

poyo kan? kan? kan?.. okay


sape suka politik angkat kening?

politik pada zaman sekarang agak banyak penyelewengan..

jadi, bagi mengelakkan aku diseleweng dan menjadi sewel, aku menjauhkan diri aku daripada politik..

bukan tak minat... tapi, tak minat laa.. tapi?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Medical Test

As requested by Shiro and as a sequel of this post, I want to share experience during the medical examination. It was on 18th December. I arrived at MAS Medical Centre by 8.30am as I was scheduled at 9.00am. I went into the MAS Complex B vicinity and greeted a cleaner there, asking him where is da direction to Medical Centre, but then he replied me in very weird language, I took about 5 minutes to clearly understand him. Hehe, yeah, he is Indonesian.

After struggling with my mind to hardly understand him, I once again asked one of the staff there, a woman, very nice woman and she showed me the direction to the medical centre. i arrived there, not to mention that the day was very hot, and I was a bit sweating and my face was a bit oily too. I was ‘shot’ by the receptionist during registration because I forgot to bring a pen, “hish.. macam mana nak jadi pilot nih, pen pun tak bawak”. I was just “err, pen terjatuh dalam kereta tadi puan, maaf ye” haha.. After registration, I took a seat. There were some people there, so then I greeted them, owh they were candidates for cabin crew post doing their medical test there. 2 of them were girls, perrgghh, what a hot chick, there wore a short skirt which made my adrenalin in my body moving very slowly while I was staring at them, and yes they were nice(I think that’s why they were chosen to be part of MH staff).

I then called by one of the staff to do the x-ray. When I first entered the x-ray room, I was once again being stone because the one who conducted the x-ray procedure was a very beautiful sister.. hehe (I’m very sure that MAS pilots keep themselves often to make an x-ray) she’s really beautiful and very nice too. She held my hand and positioned me in the right way during the x-ray, perrgghh, I never forgot her soft and fair skin. Hehe.. enough!

After x-ray, its been about half an hour for me to be called for the next test which comprises of Eye test, Audiogram test, Electrodiagram test, Urine test and lastly seeing the Doctor. The eye test was conducted both visually and through a machine which some part of the test looked like the test you took during obtaining your driving license; a colour test.

After done with me eye test it was an Audiogram test, the sound was fucking undetectable, I just barely couldn’t hear anything, but then I managed to pass the test when the nurse asked me to repeat the test again to obtain better graph. Hehehe. The nurse kept telling me “haishh, makcik letih betul laa dengan kamu ni Faiz”. Haha, sorry very much makcik oii.

MAS's pillow

After that, I was asked to sleep on the bed and few wires were placed on my body after the nurse put a little gel on some parts of my body. I was just imagine if the ‘x-ray sister’ did that to my body, for sure I would fail the test due to the fast beats of my heart, hehe. After that, the graph was out and its proved that I was a healthy boy, heee.

Urine test was the last test before I went to see the Doctor, it took quite a while to enter to the room to see the doctor. The movement of the number to the next number was about 45 minutes. I was holding number 5 where the current number was 3 on that time (with a simple calculation youll know how long it took me to be in the room).

Tinng! The indicator changed to ‘5’. I entered the room. And it was Dr. Darljit in the room. He was nice, asking me a lot of things regarding my dream to become a pilot, he asked me a lot of things concerning my healthy like ‘does your father have a heart-attack, this and that and this that’. And I just kept answering ‘No’. Meanwhile he just kept telling me; ‘Hmm good’,’ good boy’, ‘Hmm nice’ (something like that la, he was just too nice). He also analyzed back the graph result of the test that I sat before; eye test result , audiogram test result and etc. After about 15 minutes chit-chatted with him he asked me to sleep on the bed. He then checked my heart beat again, looked into my ear, checked my eyes with a flash light, checked tongue and tonsils. He asked me a lot asking me whether I had any disease on my reproductive system when he suddenly knocked both of my knees hardly and yeah I was shocked!, haha. He once again said ‘you are a very good boy’. After that, I woke up and went to his table to thanks him and he wished me all the best in pursuing my dream and took a paper (result) to be given to his assistant to issue a Medical Certificate for me.

After about 15 minutes waiting, Alhamdulillah I was issued with the Medical Certificate Class 1 with no limitations (for the time being la). Before I went out, I thanked the nurse who had helped me a lot during those test, she was just too kind. That’s all. Thanks for reading.

• The certificate is only valid for a year and has to be renewed upon doing each licenses (PPL, CPL, ATPL). Pilots below of the age of 40 years are checked annually whereas those above are checked six monthly.
• There were so many MH staff there, that’s why it took me very long time to finish. About 3 hours maybe.
• MH staff is the best!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Saturday, January 10, 2009

19 tahun 11 hari

hahaha.. jangan terkejut..

post aku ni sedikit tunggang langgang.. aku main tibai je.. depend pada kerajinan aku..
malam ni nampaknya sedikit rajin.. beberapa post telah diposkan sekali gus.. hahaha
maaf yee.. harap-harap anda enjoy..

takde ape2.. just nak say thanks for those who wished me happy besday 11 days ago..

as for my 19th besday, there were just many people who have wished me..
'many' tuh takdela banyak.. tapi ok laa.. ada improvement..

besday yang ke-18, lbh kurang 3 orang jer wish.. haha..

tp hadiah xdak.. waaaaa.. mana dia hadiah?
(demand nampak).. hehehe.. gurau je.. doa tuh lagi penting daripada hadiah


wish me luck in everything i do.. especially in pursuing my dream.. to become an AVIATOR!


Nokia N79

setibanya aku di rumah daripada Uitm pada 0430, khamis lalu...
berbekalkan satu semesta kesedihan.. aku melabuhkan diri aku diatas katil...
bangkit pada pukul 1100 lebih kurang.. ku bergegas untuk mendapatkannya...

- spesifikasi?

tp design?? HANCUSS....

mintak tolong pada sesiapa yang dapat mengajar aku macam mana nak setting GPS..

Streamyx ON!

setelah sekian lama menunggu internet di rumah ku stabil..

sekarang semua dah perfect.. laptop dh cantek.. wireless da ok.. line da laju..


jiwa dan tanganku masih juga malas nk update blog....

post ini sepatutnya dibuat lebih kurang sebulan yang lalu...

Mode mula bertukar..

aku dah ok dah skit..
dah recover skit daripada wabak sedih dan rindu..

aku tidak merancang.. malah aku juga tidak ingin..
tetapi air mata ku tetap berlinangan..


i'll b there again.. we'll meet someday.. maybe in flight.. InsyaAllah..

BS The Best!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Selamat Tinggal...

tanggal 06/01/09 adalah sebuah sejarah yang tidak akan mungkin terusik.. kerana.. itu adalah hari di mana setelah 19 tahun 7 hari aku dilahirkan.. aku keluar dating.. hehehe.. doakan kami ok?.. haha.. tapi biasa laa.. :suka: memang dipasangkan dengan :duka:..

tanggal 07/01/09 plak, tinggal lah sejuta kenangan yang pernah aku tempuhi di sini..
wahai kawan-kawanku.. belajarlah rajin-rajin..

aku sedih..


sedih sangat...

beginilah dunia, perpisahan sudah menjadi salah satu syarat bagi kita..

bangga dapat kenal dengan korang semua.. aku paling terharu masa korang sumer hantar aku kt beranda DAMAR tuh.. perrgghhh.. bergetar jiwa raga aku.. rasa macam star pn ada..

doakan aku kawan-kawan.. salam sejahtera.....